Monday, November 30, 2009

Weigh-in Day # 11-13 : Dude where have I been????

Official weight for Monday 11/30/09 : 221
Change from Monday 11/9/09 : +2

Yes, it's been a while since I checked in, and with good reason - this is the High Season for not only holidays but birthdays, end of soccer season, etc. etc. I won't detail everything from the past three weeks, but here's a run-down of what's been going on:

- some time after the last time I checked in (Monday 11/9), Ness & I decided to start hosting our own Thanksgiving dinner. I've lived in California for 14 years now, and if I managed to stay in CA at the time I've been borrowing everyone else's Thanksgivings since then - and if that includes you then thank you very kindly for making me part of it. However, I felt it was finally time to start building my own tradition, so naturally - that added another thing on top of the march of birthdays and holiday fare at the end of the year that I had to stress over - happily so, as it turns out.

- The week beginning 11/9 was the 2nd-to-last week of Macy's soccer season, and on Sunday 11/15 the team decided to have a party at a local field - the coach rented out the very nice artificial field at Mather Sports Center in Rancho Cordova, CA. We had pizza and cake (I portook modestly, of course), and we played a bit of free-for-all four-team soccer on half the field while the other half was being used by a football team. After cake there was an awards presentation, Macy got a trophy and I got a very nice "thank you" card signed by all the girls to "Coach Dennis" for helping out so much at the end of the season (sniff...) Sometime toward the end of the party the football guys left and we took over the whole field for a full-field game, Happy Feet plus coaches (including me) vs. the Parents/Friends team.'s been about 15 years plus since I played on turf, and I totally forgot about how unforgiving it is. a total idiot, I had warmed up but didn't do my usual 10-minute stretching routine to get ready (we will undoubtedly review that this week). As a result, I wound up with 4 separate leg injuries from running around trying to get the kids to organize (btw Macy scored once, and I missed two wide-open shots, something I'll hear about for ages now). My ankles have always been bad since I sprained each one pretty badly in the past, and my right knee had been sore since I slightly strained it a few weeks ago goofing around with the kids at practice, that is all routine soreness I deal with on occasion. But the last one was a doozy - there's a muscle that connects your hip with your upper knee called the sartorius muscle. You use it when you bend or flex your hips and knees, a good example of when it's working correctly is if you're able to easily sit in the lotus position for yoga; I currently can not because this muscle is too tight (and now it freakin hurts). A few months back, I had been doing lunges on my right side and felt a slight "pop" come from my hip joint in the front. That was the sartorius on the right side, and it took 3-4 weeks to come back from that to full strength. Well I guess my left side felt left out because I went to make a cut on the turf like I used to 15 years ago and POP, that sartorius went too. The funny thing about this particular injury, it doesn't hurt right away. So I was able to play for another 20 minutes or so after that happened. But about an hour after I stopped playing, it swelled up so badly that combined with the other various aches and pains I had from not stretching, I could barely walk, and it didn't get better without ibuprofen for 3-4 days afterwards. So needless to say, I haven't done much in the way of exercising since then.

- Also on the agenda was Macy's birthday party, exactly one week after the injury occurred. Fortunately I felt well enough to get around on it easily, it was actually the first day I woke up and didn't feel any immediate pain from my lower extremities. Really wish I'd been fit though, would have been nice to bounce around with the kids (we went to Sky High in Rancho).

- Thanksgiving came and went, I made my first turkey among other things, we had some family over and it was a great success. Probably wasn't the greatest time in the world to be injured due to the holiday being practically dedicated to over-consumption, but I took it easy most days before and after so I've managed to maintain my weight somewhat (only gained two more pounds when it could have been much worse).

- Finally, and I have to admit this - I think I got a little sick of this. It's really stressful on top of everything else I do in a day to have to detail every little thing I do PLUS try to find some way to inspire you AND me to keep going. So I took some injury time to go off the ranch, lax up on the tracking a bit, heal up and get some stuff out of my system, particularly Taco Bell and Chipotle. And yeah, Thanksgiving was a food and booze fest. But I know the party's over and today marks the start of getting back on the wagon.

- If anything, this whole ordeal will give us all a good teaching opportunity on how to deal with injuries and how to warm up properly, some advice I wish I had followed a couple weeks ago. We'll get started with that tomorrow.

Diet for Monday 11/30/09:

Breakfast (home)
  • Fiber One Original w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins

Breakfast (work)
  • Bagel w/"smart butter" spread
  • work mug of coffee

  • Turkey sandwich from Ratto's
  • Sun chips harvest cheddar flavor

  • The Big Chicken Caesar Salad
  • 1.5 glasses red wine

  • 1.5 servings fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt
  • 1 cup fat-free pretzels

Exercise for Monday 11/30/09:
  • 30 min walking around Oakland

Sleep for Monday 11/30/09:
  • 5 hours

Monday, November 9, 2009

Weigh-in Day # 10 : one step forward, one step back...

Official weight for Monday 11/9/09 : 219
Change from last week : +1

Stupid Halloween candy :(

Actually I can't really blame that, I think the blame lies more with not getting enough exercise. I got a decent amount of sleep for once, and really didn't get too crazy with candy, but I only got 1-2 days of strenuous exercise in last week and it shows. Granted my average exercise still worked out to getting "something" almost every day, that's only enough to maintain weight (or in this case, slightly fend off candy weight). Even though I did two nights of practice with Macy's soccer team and I do a fair amount of running around during that, really - that doesn't approach the level of exertion that I need. This week I'm dedicating to getting more quality exercise, starting tomorrow cause I'm totally worn out HAHAHAHA - hey you try commuting back and forth between Sacramento and Oakland, it takes a lot out of you. Good thing I like my job.

One other thing - I'm swearing off Coke Zero at home for good. I had been bringing home 24-packs of cans for the past couple months because Macy's soccer team collects aluminum cans to pay for their team events. The problem is, it's convenient to drink so I was downing it left and right. And I think it started to contribute to some sort of physical problems - I noticed that I became dehydrated a lot easier (also could be attributed to the changing weather). But the big one was that I got these cramps in my left side that would occur at various times during the day, sometimes keeping me awake at night. I stopped drinking the soda and replaced it with water, the cramps went away. So there's a lesson learned for everyone, I guess - nothing better for you than cool clear ice water.

Diet for Monday 11/9/09:
  • Fiber One original w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins

  • 1 poppy seed bagel w/I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
  • Work mug of coffe

  • Turkey sandwich from Ratto's
  • Sun chips Harvest cheddar flavor

  • The Big Chicken Caesar Salad
  • 1 glass red wine

  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt w/Hershey's Lite syrup

Exercise for Monday 11/9/09:
  • 30 min walking around Oakland

Sleep for Monday 11/9/09:
  • 4.5 hours

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Sum-Up

Still way too busy. My recaps:

Tuesday - worked from home, did soccer practice again, also band practice, forgot to vote, watched Biggest Loser - Chucky said bye-bye. I thought she looked kinda funny in the "see me now" portion of the show - like definitely lighter overall but still with these big thick appendages like piano legs. Fitting. Now they don't have anybody left to hate.

Diet for Tues 11/3/09:
  • Fiber One Original w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins
  • Big cup of coffee
  • Two pieces wheat toast w/yogurt spread

  • Turkey sandwich on wheat

  • Subway foot-long roasted chicken breast on wheat
  • 1 red apple

  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt

Exercise for Tues 11/3/09:
  • 90 minute practice with Happy Feet + extra time with the kids afterwards

Sleep for Tues 11/3/09:
  • 8 hours

Wednesday - to Oakland and back and then bed.

Diet for Wed 11/4/09:
  • Fiber One w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins

Breakfast (work)
  • Poppy seed bagel w/"I Can't Believe it's not Butter" spread
  • Work mug of coffee

  • 2nd cup of coffee

  • Turkey sandwich from Ratto's
  • Sun Chips Harvest Cheddar

  • The Big Chicken Caesar Salad

  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt w/Hershey's Lite syrup

Exercise for Wed 11/4/09:
  • 30 min walking around Oakland

Sleep for Wed 11/4/09:
  • 6 hours

Thursday - work, another practice with Happy Feet, got the kids their flu shots (non-H1N1).

Diet for Thurs 11/5/09:
  • Cheerios w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins
  • Big cup of coffee
  • 2 pieces wheat toast w/yogurt spread

  • Turkey sandwich on wheat

  • Subway foot-long roasted chicken breast on wheat (I kept Subway in business this week)
  • 1 red apple

  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt

Exercise for Thurs 11/5/09:
  • 90 min practice with Happy Feet + 15 more minutes with a couple latecomers after it was over

Sleep for Thurs 11/5/09:
  • 8 hours

Friday - picked up kids early from school (it was a "super-minimum" day), got a bunch of work done.

Diet for Fri 11/6/09:
  • Fiber One original w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins
  • Big cup of coffee
  • 2 pieces wheat toast w/yogurt spread

  • Tuna sandwich on wheat

  • whole wheat spaghetti w/organic marinara sauce (no meat)
  • 3 Rosina Italian-style meatballs
  • 1 glass red wine

  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt

Exercise for Fri 11/6/09:
  • Rest day

Sleep for Fri 11/6/09:
  • 5 hours

Saturday - soccer game for Happy Feet, they lost 3-1 again and Macy suffered a slight wrist injury (she's fine now). Had lunch at Subway (yeah I know - UH-gain), then took the kids to see a U-10 girls match so Macy could get an idea of where she was headed next year. Still wants to play. That's my girl :)

Diet for Sat 11/7/09:
  • Cheerios w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins
  • Big cup of coffee
  • 2 pieces wheat toast w/yogurt spread

  • Subway foot-long roasted chicken breast on wheat
  • 1 bag Baked Lays

  • 3-4 oz London broil steak, grilled
  • 1 cup mashed potatoes
  • 1 cup corn

  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt

Exercise for Sat 11/7/09:
  • Rest day # 2, although I did play with the kids on the big girls' soccer field in between games

Sleep for Sat 11/7/09:
  • 6 hours

Sunday - today was the day of eating out, apparently. Went out for breakfast (disaster) and lunch (much better). Breakfast was really bad though - have never seen a cook take such obvious vengeance on sending food back before - Ness' "veggie" dish had ham in it the first time, and a huge stinkin stick of bacon in it the second time. Wonder what they stick in the rest of the food - PASS!

Diet for Sun 11/8/09:

  • 3-egg Spanish Omelette w/tomatoes, peppers, onions and salsa
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins
  • Big cup of coffee
  • 3 slices of bacon
  • 3 buttermilk pancakes w/syrup

  • "Super nut burger" vegetarian nut-based patty on wheat pita - sounds gross, isn't
  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt milkshake mmmmmmmm

  • 3-4 oz chicken breast
  • 1 cup asparagus
  • 1 serving Pasta Roni noodles

Exercise for Sun 11/8/09:
  • Had intended to run today, will have to put it off till tomorrow, ran out of time

Sleep for Sun 11/8/09:
  • 7 hours

Monday, November 2, 2009

Weigh-in Day # 9 : 1 down, 3 to go

Official weight for Monday 11/2/09 : 218
Change from last week : -1

(Warning: Not safe for work, kids or Beatles fans)

Pretty good week last week, got through Special Event # 4 (Halloween) on the End of Year Madness Tour (goes through MJ's birthday, Ness' mom's birthday, my niece's birthday, Halloween, Macy's birthday, Thanksgiving, Vanessa's birthday, Xmas and New Year's - I am BROKE AS A HOMELESS after the end of the year). Macy got her first goal. And...I got my labs back from last week and they are absolutely stellar.

If you'll remember at the beginning of this thing, I discussed my poor lab results, particularly the cholesterol numbers. And I wondered aloud in an entry shortly after that if those numbers would be better given my weight loss and better exercise regimen. Well, the numbers are in and seeing is believing - if you ever needed to prove to someone that losing weight and exercising for cardio fitness is worth it or not, then feast your eyes on this (click on the image for a larger view):

The numbers highlighted in red are considered "high" and the blue are considered "low", and I included my weight/BP/pulse/BMI numbers to highlight the differences there as well. As you can plainly see there's barely any difference between 2007 and 2008 because I didn't change much except to cut back slightly on calorie intake - no improvement in quality of diet and no regular exercise. But between last year and this year is a HUGE difference - I went from a sea of red and blue to having only three numbers in the red. And of those three, two are highly questionable as to whether that is truly "normal" for me (those being weight and BMI) and the third is a number that has been cut in half from its original level and should go down even further next year if I can keep up the good work.

Of the numbers I've included here, let's look at each individually:

Weight/BMI - I'll talk about these two together since they are related. The "normal" range I've included here is based on the Body Mass Index (BMI) calculations for my height (6'1"). According to these numbers I'm still considered overweight and should lose at least another 30 pounds to be on the high side of normal, which is honestly preposterous. However, if we just take the BMI on face value, then it becomes clear that people with a larger frame and/or larger muscle mass such as myself are unfairly labeled. In fact, someone who is 6'3", 224 lbs like Terrell Owens who is without argument in fantastic shape has a BMI of 28, which is "overweight". The stock answer to this is that BMI is considered to be a "screening tool" to allow doctors to identify "possible" weight problems. That's really great, but unfortunately the insurance companies of the world treat it as the rule of law, and use it to charge you extra money even though you may be in great shape. The fix to this is body fat analysis, which can be done in a variety of methods and is my next step in assessing my health. We'll discuss that when I can actually find a place to get it done. Granted, I may be no super athlete, but I'm training to be athletic for the rest of my life and my body type definitely puts BMI to the test. At the very least I went from "obese class II" to "overweight", which is a substantial improvement.

Blood Pressure - "Suggested Optimal" blood pressure is 120/80 (see the chart on that link). Mine used to be in the "high normal" range, but is now solidly in the "normal" range, starting to head towards "low normal" which is still okay for athletes. Really happy about this, I don't believe I've ever scored below a 120/70 before in my life.

Resting pulse rate - if you look at this table as a rough measure, I went from having a "poor" fitness level to "excellent", bordering on "athlete" for my age range of 36-45. Obviously I'm not going to be happy until I get that into the "athlete" range, but since I never remember recording a BP lower than 65, this is great news.

Glucose - this is a number I've kept an eye on since both my maternal grandparents wound up with diabetes. 0-100 is the "normal" range but 83 or less is considered an ideal fasting level so I'm right on the border of greatness there.

Total cholesterol - I reported previously that 100-199 is normal, the lab puts that at 130-199. Either way I'm now solidly in the middle with 155 and very happy about it.

HDL cholesterol - granted the lab puts this number as greater than 39 as being normal, but "ideal" is considered above 60 so I've still got some work to do here. Still my 41 is an improvement over the previous 37.

LDL cholesterol - normal is 0-130, I'm now at 81. The "ideal" number here is 70 or less, I'm guessing this and the HDL numbers are related since HDL is the stuff that scrubs out LDL.

VLDL cholesterol - normal is 10-40, I have dropped this down to 33 which is almost half of what it was last year (and IS half of the original 68 from two years ago).

Triglycerides - normal is 10-150, I'm now at 167. This is the number I was most curious about since it's a direct indicator of atherosclerosis. It's no coincidence that this number and the VLDL both were cut in half as a result of my dietary changes since VLDL is the carrying case for Tri's in the body. I'm hoping that when we check this number next year that I'll have it solidly in the normal range.

All in all, this is wonderful news, a direct validation of everything I've been doing for the past 8 months. And if this isn't motivation for you FATTIES to get up off the couch and actually do something to improve your life other than make excuses, then I really don't know what to tell you.

Diet for Mon 11/2/09:
  • Fiber One original w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins
  • Big cup of coffee
  • 2 pieces wheat toast w/yogurt spread

  • Tuna sandwich on wheat
  • 3 carrots, raw, peeled

  • 1 cup fat-free mini pretzels

  • 3-4 oz grilled chicken breast
  • 1 cup lima beans
  • 1 glass red wine

  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt, trying to stay away from candy

Exercise for Mon 11/2/09:

Sleep for Mon 11/2/09:
  • 8 hours

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday catch-up

Didn't get to post another "How I did it" this week, was way too busy. Some basic recaps:

Tuesday - worked from home, helped out with Macy's soccer practice (for the full 90 minutes), did band practice, watched Biggest Loser - the mom who lost her family got kicked off so the episode was appropriately tear-jerking. Collapsed as early as possible to get ready for Oakland tomorrow.

Diet for Tues 10/27/09:
  • Cheerios w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins

Breakfast (work)
  • Big cup of coffee
  • Two pieces wheat toast w/yogurt spread

  • Turkey sandwich on wheat
  • 3 large carrots, raw, peeled

  • Subway foot-long roasted chicken breast on wheat

  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt

Exercise for Tues 10/27/09:
  • 3 min warmup @ 3.5 mph
  • 10 min stretching
  • Interval training for 25 minutes (10 1-minute runs at 8, 9 or 10 mph with 5 mph "rest" pace)
  • 90 minute practice with Happy Feet, running for a good portion of it

Sleep for Tues 10/27/09:
  • 7 hours

Wednesday - went to Oakland for work, helped Mark out at the Boardwalk with a computer problem after dinner.

Diet for Wed 10/28/09:
  • Fiber One w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins

Breakfast (work)
  • Poppy seed bagel w/"I Can't Believe it's not Butter" spread
  • Work mug of coffee

  • 2nd cup of coffee

  • Turkey sandwich from Ratto's
  • Sun Chips Harvest Cheddar

  • The Big Chicken Caesar Salad

After dinner
  • 2-3 beers @ the Boardwalk

Exercise for Wed 10/28/09:
  • 30 min walking around Oakland

Sleep for Wed 10/28/09:
  • 5 hours

Thursday - got back results from lab testing (see Monday's upcoming blog), took the kids to get haircuts, not much else.

Diet for Thurs 10/29/09:
  • Fiber One original w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins
  • Big cup of coffee
  • 2 pieces wheat toast w/yogurt spread

  • Turkey sandwich on wheat

  • Subway foot-long roasted chicken breast on wheat
  • 1 bag Baked Lays potato chips

  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt

Exercise for Thurs 10/29/09:
  • 5 min warmup @ 3.5 mph
  • 10 min stretching
  • 30 min on the treadmill @ 7 mph
  • 5 min @ 6 mph
  • 5 min @ 5 mph
  • 5 min cooldown

Sleep for Thurs 10/29/09:
  • 7.5 hours

Friday - dropped kids off at school, practiced soccer with Macy in the backyard, got ready for Halloween.

Diet for Fri 10/30/09:
  • Fiber One original w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins
  • Big cup of coffee
  • 2 pieces wheat toast w/yogurt spread

  • Turkey sandwich on wheat
  • 2nd cup of coffe

  • 3-4 oz chicken breast, grilled
  • 1 cup lima beans
  • 1 serving Pasta Roni noodles
  • 1 glass red wine

  • fat-free chocolate frozen yogurt

Exercise for Fri 10/30/09:
  • Rest day, too tired from lack of sleep

Sleep for Fri 10/30/09:
  • 4 hours (had a bunch of work to do last night)

Saturday - soccer game for Happy Feet, they lost 3-1 but I am SO proud of Macy Bear for scoring her first goal ever!!! She got subbed out soon after and was ON FIRE to go back in and score again, so my plans for building Christina Ronaldo continue...Halloween was a success, lots more kids this year than last because of the nice weather, everyone really liked the scary sounds I put on the stereo (really loud, you could hear it a block away).

Diet for Sat 10/31/09:
  • Cheerios w/fat-free milk
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins
  • Big cup of coffee
  • chocolate-filled croissant (Macy's first goal celebration, everyone got donuts)

  • Turkey sandwich on wheat
  • 2nd cup of coffee

  • 7 slices of homemade Boboli wheat pizza

  • too much frickin candy and pumpkin seeds

Exercise for Sat 10/31/09:
  • walking for Trick-or-treating, we were out there for over an hour

Sleep for Sat 10/31/09:
  • 6 hours

Sunday - spent most of the day cleaning up the backyard and letting the kids jump in the leaves.

Diet for Sun 11/1/09:

  • Cheerios w/fat-free milk and 1 chopped banana
  • 4 oz orange juice w/vitamins
  • Big cup of coffee
  • 1 whole wheat muffin w/yogurt spread

  • The Big Chicken Caesar Salad

  • Three meatless tacos

  • I gotta stop eating this goddamn candy

Exercise for Sun 11/1/09:
  • Yard work, about 2 hours worth (raking, picking up leaves, trimming hedges, using the blower and mower)

Sleep for Sun 11/1/09:
  • 8 hours